Wait a moment, now this is insulting. They provided a proof of domain access, really? I was not asking of domain access, but the domain owner that is still unconfirmed.
The charity in question could be totally different one from the one provided in Tax report.
I am going to consider this thing as "best to avoid" since loud and clear questions are provided, and answers are miss-leading, i believe intentionally.
It's my duty as technology person to react on that. They confirmed access not the ownership, we still have no clue who the owner is. I have access to many companies I am doing consulting for, but that do not makes me an owner.
Stay away from anything alartming such this one:
- By hiding information
- By answering totally miss leading content, trying to make it legitimate by split of thesis.
Best Regards,
Wait a moment, now this is insulting. You do not need to know who owns the domain to know that this is a legitimate charity. Additionally the owner has the right to privacy. To answer your question from your comment on article one http://whois.pir.org/ comes standard with a lot of website creation. Also, the money isn't going to the website (which is simply there for informational purposes), it is going to the charity.