Hey @Jamezz,
Thanks for comments. Let me explain:
Owners - refers to owners of this site, not owners of Gridcoin lol.
I would agree everyone of us is the point of contact. The thing is simple. I was happen to be in touch with owners of site over completely another thing, and used the opportunity to promote GRC. This simply means that if team member does not like something, for example a joke names they allocate for each crypto, he should get in touch directly with them. I did the initial thing, someone who like or dislike the way the listing look should get it corrected directly, as there's no reason for me to be messenger in between. It will save time and ease the communication.
As for the relations within the team, ok, I did noticed some animosity within few members. It's a childish play, not worth paying much attention. However, I found these disclaimers a necessity in order to prevent raising concerns that by doing this, I try to "build a name" for myself using Gridcoin community. I would say people are usually projecting what they would do (or are doing), but for the sake of not leaving a ground for such things, I want to allow anyone to communicate directly. Take this as a Pre-Sales representative passing a lead to Sales team.
I found this to be healthy approach, a time saver, and a mechanism of prevention of potential conflicts. This is especially important in open source projects, since every conflict negatively affects volunteers sustenance.
I simply don't find I have enough time and skills to actively maintain all the contacts and communication, therefore I do found it good to pass such tasks to people who enjoy doing it, are better skilled to do it, creating a spontaneous hierarchy, like, let's everyone do as much as he can and others will take over to help. I'm already way behind of all the projects I was thinking to finalize.
@jringo did an excellent job, as he always do, and I would agree this will come very handy for such promotions in future.
The only way for open source driven project to succeed, is to allow everyone to do what they enjoy doing. At the end of the day, it's more important then 'who's ego is bigger'... :)