1million block: about 6 days away -> do you have more event/ideas suggestions?

in #gridcoin8 years ago (edited)

We are about 5500k blocks away (about 6 days) from Gridcoin's block #1000000!  

  • right now we are at block #994500

Last chance still for... more events/ideas for block #1000000  

Here is a selection:

See also:    


Let's advertise, create a nonstop advert (Facebook, Yahoo etc) for the whole day....that the whole social media will see and feel the Gridcoin heat...

We got a Gridcoin youtube channel?

Or can we make one specially for this 1 Millionth Bock celebration?

Post our vids to there .. or Vine?

Got my 'thinking cap' on ..






Vine no longer exists, sadly.

See here and here?

But we could also make a new one (vids could be reposted elsewhere anyways)

It's too bad that it's somewhat difficult to come together and all agree that we should celebrate this publicly with a marketing effort. This feels extremely important and time-sensitive, but I don't really feel any sense of urgency from anyone!
With the new logo only just passing, there needs to be an all out blitz to create material for marketing for this. Is that happening? I hope so...
I think it's probably too late to really make a hard marketing push with it. We don't have any funds to put any ads out there, for example, unless someone donates them. It's definitely too late to try to poll for foundation funds.
I'm actually willing to go ahead and BUY AD SPACE on reddit and youtube gaming channels, but I don't have any banners, videos, or anything. I can't make them. The only way I can help is to spend my money to show them to people.
If someone, anyone, can help me put something together, I will get it up somewhere.

I don't have any banners, videos, or anything.

  • banners and so here
  • videos: I'd assume when you also search on youtube for Gridcoin, they might pop up... but there is certainly work to be done (see here)

but I don't really feel any sense of urgency from anyone!

Yeah, 11 weeks ago the idea was posted (and originally mentioned by: pepperooo)... And I posted it on several places, several times... most just agree, but no action. So, I decided today to do something... though, it will be likely too late for some of the listed ideas above (I guess then they can be used for the 2000000 block)

step1, get on slack and talk to joshoeah or jringo in #branding.

There are useful logos and banners available!!






someone asked how much time is left ?

  • since I posted this 9h ago we had 337 blocks => makes then about 258h => 10-11 days guesstimate