You see above the payments to 5 devs (Rob Halford, Sebastian Kung, @ifoggz, @ravonn and Tomáš Brod):
- $6495.5 (or 138154 GRC)
- for 216.5h
Tomáš' payment includes July + August.
See also:
- more details in forum (2017 September)
- Gridcoin poll: Developer Reimbursement 6 Month Package (2017 July)
tasks, in details:
Rob Halford:
- Build v8 with Ravon, discuss security issues with team.
Neural Network:
- Add rules to prevent staking superblocks with < 50% of whitelisted projects. R&D Gzip CRC and file sharing, create POC.
- R&D-Write proof of concept program using gzip/crc for node-node file sharing
- Fix Neural networks inability download 404. Test with devs for 4 hours.
- Work on Superblock business logic (currently it is diluting everyones mag), release and test with group.
- Research using Rsync for superblock deltas.
- Meeting with team about emergency updates.
- Work in slack for several hours to find etag and timestamp issue with Bullshark, CM Quez and resolve issue, and create release. Review Tomas issues in the morning.
- Analyze Superblock business logic, code and create release.
- Consulting on payments in NN2.0 and mag slices. Release of
- R&D design for new scalable beacon system Upgrade Environment to support qt58 Massive release for 3599
- Release
- Superblock Security Additions
- Make Safe Tx Messages
- Find/Fix Crash Bug For New User
- NN Report Refactoring/Vote Verify
- Execute help and list help
- Beacon contract checks
- Newbie block fix
Nice to see our Developers being paid at last in a formal way!!
Thanks guys you've been working hard 'fire fighting'.
I'm sure you'll be glad to get down to some really innovative code to put us ahead of the game.
Courtesy of @joshoeah
find the compensation for Gridcoin devs for September 2017: