Gridcoin poll: Should we add Sourcefinder to the whitelist? (vote until July 26)

in #gridcoin8 years ago (edited)

Until 26th July, 2017 Gridcoin users can vote in this poll: 

      Should we add Sourcefinder to the whitelist?

Results so far, on:        

You can see other ongoing polls here:         

Further info:  

You can vote like this:  

1. Windows users:

  • If your wallet is encrypted, fully unlock the wallet (not just for 'staking only').
  • Click "Advanced", then click "Voting" to launch the voting menu.
  • Right-click on "Whitelist Poll: Should we add Sourcefinder to the whitelist?"
  • Click "vote".
  • You have as options: Yes, No or Abstain

2. Linux users (QT Wallet/daemon):  

a. via UI:   

  • go to menu Advanced > Voting

b. in terminal:   

  • Fully unlock your wallet.
  • Navigate to the Debug Console (Help - Debug Window - Console (tab) )
  • You have as options: Yes, No or Abstain
  • Enter one of the following commands:

** e.g. vote with "Yes" like this: execute vote Whitelist_Poll_:_Should_we_add_Sourcefinder_to_the_whitelist Yes

** e.g. vote with "No" like this: execute vote Whitelist_Poll_:_Should_we_add_Sourcefinder_to_the_whitelist No

** e.g. vote with "Abstain" like this: execute vote Whitelist_Poll_:_Should_we_add_Sourcefinder_to_the_whitelist Abstain


for the people who didn't follow all the conversations on IRC since yesterday:

Please note: This project does require that users install VBox (similar to LHC).

What is the goal of the project? And does it have a cool screensaver? ;)

in short:

  • astronomy, "simulated cube of the sky"

I have done an interview with the project admin 2 months ago, you can listen to that once available

Until then you can find info here or on their website

From their server stats:

Tasks ready to send 0
Tasks in progress 89
Workunits waiting for validation 0

I assume they'll kick into high gear if/once added to the whitelist ?

A few things I want to add about Sourcefinder:

The main sourcefinding application we've been using so far is Duchamp, but I'm currently working on deploying a new sourcefinder called SoFiA. Once SoFiA is deployed, we'll be running all of the data we ran through duchamp through SoFiA as well, so there should be a fair amount of work for a few months.

At some point in the fairly near future we should also have some real data from askap that we'll be processing with both Duchamp and SoFiA.