After 69h, we've finally a new superblock (see: (K)):
- #970542
- Actually, also #970540 seems a SB, which came 2 blocks before. Strange! Investigating if really a double-superblock happened.
- The superblock before this one made us also wait quite long: 67h. :-(
Unfortunately, only 68% of the whitelisted BOINC projects are inside.
Missing BOINC projects this time:
- Citizen Science Grid
- Einstein
- Numberfields
- Rosetta
team users:
- 1425 with magnitude
- 2302 without beacon
- 10702 total users
The average superblock creation time since June 20 is now about 48h (median = 37h).
So, what are the possible reasons for the delay/mag zero this time?
- World Community Grid had problems (see here), but these were starting at around 14:00 UTC on Tuesday, July 18, so about 40h after consensus-building of the SB was already in progress.
- SETI had its usual downtime Tuesdays (I know at least that they were offline at 2017-07-18 20:00)
- The CENTRALIZED component and NOT OPENSOURCED harvest server seems to make trouble (file names not correct, ...)
see also:
- comments (A) - (J) are in: Gridcoin + its troublesome superblocks (in the last 4 weeks)
- Which BOINC projects were affected most by the "magnitude zero" events ?
Great we had the SB, but damn it's been long since we had one that wasn't messed up :/
I've been on zero magnitude for so long now, I don't even really bother to look at the wallet anymore. Oh well, I've been crunching SETI since 1999 so coins have never been any sort of motivation for me to do it.
added section above:
let's wait for an official dev announcement
Very good and interesting post.
You do a great job. I resteemed you!
Have a nice day!
I am glad i got envoled but where can i chat with people like slack trying find best project and best set up like worth pool or solo and
You can come to IRC, we have also a bridge to telegram from irc.
Thanks gonna check it out today