Wallet: v3.7.5.0-2 Leisure is now on github and gridcoin.us
Please consider coming to the Gridcoin Community Hangout #48 on Saturday, Feb 3 @ 7PM UTC, check http://everytimezone.com/#2017-12-09,420,c8l for timezone info.
Gridcoin Classroom #007: https://youtu.be/3poWJlf-i0Y?t=36m3s
#Steemit: https://steemit.com/gridcoin/@peppernrino/gridcoin-community-classroom-007
Special thanks goes out to @Peppernrino for editing the Gridcoin Hangouts. Thanks to BeyondBitcoin for providing the Gridcoin community a room in their Mumble server. :)
What is Gridcoin?
GRC, a cryptocurrency which securely rewards BOINC tasks (attempting to solve cancer/AIDS/Ebola/Malaria, mapping the Milky Way, searching for extraterrestrial life, protein folding, etc) on top of Proof of Stake.
Step 1: https://www.mumble.info/ [Desktop, Android, iOS]
Step 2: If needed, follow instructions in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=oQSilwOySU8
Step 3: Configure Mumble & join the server!
Label can be user specified or just put: BeyondBitcoin - Gridcoin
- Address:
- Port: 64738
- Username: Enter your username, try to pick one people will recognize you by - i.e. your username
- Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3
Audio Tips:Configure your audio wizard & setup Push-To-Talk. Join 10-15 mins before the hangout starts to test your audio configuration (you want to sound good on these things!), and to do a quick meet and greet for comfort's sake.
Thanks for looking! Follow for more things about #Gridcoin.
Golden eye N64, so fabulous.