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RE: The Total and Utter Noobie Guide to Successfully Solo Mining the Cryptocurrency Gridcoin

in #gridcoin8 years ago (edited)

There was nothing above it on the wallet window other than the current poll. I'm looking through debug.log but not sure what I should be looking for. The file is 770MB and when I search for 'vehemently' or 'rejected' there are no results.

Is there a command I should use from the console to find more about this error message?

The client message changes often to "Interest: 27 minutes POR: 15 seconds Newbie block being generated. Kernal 0"


That client message is what I would expect, but should have resulted in a noobie block within a week tops. @scalextrix is a Raspberry Pi fan in the community, so maybe he can help further on this one.

Saw the 'Block vehemently rejected' error again. I think this is where it happened in the log.

07/31/2017 10:22:45 -ERROR: CheckBlock[]: Old client spamming new blocks after mandatory upgrade

07/31/2017 10:22:45 ERROR: ProcessBlock() : CheckBlock FAILED
07/31/2017 10:22:45 ERROR: CheckStake[] : ProcessBlock (by me), but block not accepted