I know a lot of people wouldn't like it, but i'm the only one that, looking to the past, sees GRC more as a lost chance than as something revolutionary?
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I know a lot of people wouldn't like it, but i'm the only one that, looking to the past, sees GRC more as a lost chance than as something revolutionary?
I can see how one could get discouraged. On the other hand, I don't know. Let's not mistake "shiny and new" for tangible technological progress beyond what Gridcoin already has. Nowadays there is a glut of shiny new tokens promising to do all sorts of things: decentralize X Y and Z, disrupt this or that industry, etc. And blockchain may well be capable of doing those things. But for now, most of these new tokens have yet to deliver on their promises. So something like SPARC looks all cool and awesome, but they haven't actually done much yet. With Gridcoin though, we already have our own unique blockchain protocol for rewarding distributed computing and scientific research in particular (even if the protocol is still in early stages). With this, we've also made a strong statement that blockchain can be environmentally friendly and contribute to the betterment of science. For the moment, we're still ahead; now's our time to focus our vision and collect the resources to compete with up-and-coming tokens!
Ultimately, even if Gridcoin isn't a success in the long term, IMO it would still have been worth it to work with the community here. It's a lot of fun. No one is presumptuous: we're just a bunch of nerds who love science and technology and want to build a cool blockchain protocol around those interests. A lot of the shiny new tokens out there just don't have a community like that.
Think about the BOINC community. It's been around for like 20 years, through thick and thin. I think Gridcoin will be just as steady and long-lasting, even if our market cap doesn't explode to 100 billion like Bitcoin. (but never say never...! haha. maybe we could catch the interest of some tech giant out there like IBM and get seed funding to really develop our technology base. lol who knows.)
I, for one, am not too worried. There is definitely a lot still to do, but through the work of dedicated parties, and with the power of a full blockchain protocol behind it (instead of a simple erc-20 contract), and of course with a little luck, there is not much that a network cannot accomplish.
I respect your opinion and agree that there have been some hick-ups along the way.
The success of the coin will be determined by what we are doing about it now and how we are going to move it forward. With the great piece of work @jringo and the team have prepared we have a framework for discussion to make these next steps.
It is all about volunteers believing in the strengths of the coin and I hope you stick around to see it happen.
Yes, true, but how can you say that, considering gridcoin is so old and so "cheap" . Anyone interested on this methodology wouldn't just want to invest on SPARC? More promising. Or any new stuff that enters the game with dApps, who look more attractive considering the problems gridcoin has had.
I can't really follow the argument that Gridcoin is "old" and cheap and because of this SPARC would be more interesting to invest in and be a more promising option? Besides why would any new stuff entering the game automatically be better.
On the other hand SPARC and other new coins could change the landscape but it is up to us to work on remaining relevant and adding new capabilities and supporting peripheral to Gridcoin.
It is a very poor argument, but it's human psycology.
This is new and shiny, unlimited potential, and this one has not succeeded, if im going to invest on something, what do you do?
Of course i don't think SPARC is the answer to the Gridcoin paradigm, but i don't think this idea won't get revisited further. And don't take me wrong, im the first very interested on Gridcoin suceeding, but i also think that anyone investing a serious amount of money in gridcoin is not in his right mind.
In the case of Gridcoin, our age actually works in our favor because of how much we have contributed to real scientific findings by this point.
We have recently weathered some major storms and have come out stronger, in that our network is now more resistant for forking.
However, I agree that we do not have any especially shiny, interesting new features that people can really sink their teeth into. Our development has been more of an incremental process rather than any major leap forward.
Having said that, we are still a revolutionary coin because our mining process contributes to the betterment of science.
Yeah, but you see, the problem here is that market its just not rational . So while i do still crunch GRC (because i like BOINC, much more than i like GRC), i just wouldn't invest on it. Thankful to have sold in december cause i needed the money.