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RE: Tables of expected magnitude for common GPU models

in #gridcoin7 years ago

I will 10000000% say I needed this for a reference for TODAY and am going to use it , I just want to see a real time trending tool and am willing to host the website and domain for many projects related to this. I myself , knowing people like you whom join about every 3-4 months and or every 3-4 months a new one post somewhere a chart and its related to the current 3 and last of last series ( really my 750ti turns more on AM than your 970 and on collatz it gets 1 1/10th ) and I doubt you even mess with plan_class and/or video card kernel settings and application specifics? Easy to google , happy to share my webshare with examples for moo to run 4 tasks on a 10xx series and not effect each other , I ran 2 x collatz for a while same deal. The projects application matters too , what extensions it/they use same as CPU and why some xeons are better than others and hell thank god GPU you dont have to look at L2 and L3 cache rates ( yes bus bandwidth and speed ) but so many factors... I would love to have the greylist website able to help give some more " Team help needed here " than " where can you give 1 project less help than its science needs than another and make more gridcoin " because then you will find out that the current number of Gridcoin Team members ( vs project users total ) and current hardware online along with the number of hosts does not matter 1 bit and that its all about timing... Some of us are here for science , some for just making a buck and from 1.5yr in Gridcoin along with being sent to /dev/null on interestingly directly after exposing network oversight and network file ( source code ) area with questionable or possible future 0day vuln network security and Gridcoin network oversight and since there is no real " Gridcoin Committee " or " Gridcoin Foundation " there are not always the right " Checks and Balances " because everybody is so focused on how much $$$$ their GPU can make... I will tell you , not much... Not a 10xx series , not one the current R9's or what ever. The last batch of cards were rushed out thanks to Gridcoin and seti@home getting news exposure along with BTC and XMAS and gamers ( kids do get mad with lag ) so it will be nice to see the 2nd quarter BOINC cards , but we need dev's to work with projects in order to utilize GPU extensions and full on capabilities... This 100% throws a wrench in your sprocket , sorry but maybe gets you on the right track. Maybe getting a new boinc-server code update request for a set ### for update stats vs project specific ( but eh linux we do what we want ) as some projects 1 time a day others 4 times a day others every hour and even some update every 10/15... So please tell me how to figure out a real chart and lets get the real numbers... Hell if it being non-static and non-linear and linear and always floating I have the resources to dev if not host the future live production site... This would/could help Gridxit Round #2 ( no dont want to merge Team Gridcoin and SETI|koa dutch to be clear ) to drop the team Gridcoin requirement and everyone could earn GRC along with show users where projects may need more CPU @ this GPU @ this because not everything is on 24/7 out there... Not all of us pay $250-500mo power for racks and in-home combined to do this , I am just a scientist. I just cannot code , hope i sparked your skills.interesting since these both are linear and non-linear and the numbers are static so really just making a chart with N for the result for MAG under each project AND each GPU series would actually be more correct and you could inspire ( or I just did!! ) a BOINC project to compute and hypothesize the possible outcome at that 1 month/day/year/hour/minute/second using a snapshot of only that moment. Being non-linear , each project updates stats on different intervals so actually its not really every superblock on Gridcoin's end that factually changes your MAG it depends on each projects Administrators choice at #1 update-stats settings and yes #2 the superblock time/date/etc I am just trying to show a flaw give N so you can then figure out N on your own... I cannot do all the work and only have the skills to compute half , I hope you can figure N on your own or we can work together. Let's take Amicable numbers for example , you can see my harddware / rac / full credit @ dats meh and since focus is on the GPU look at AM since dd@home is cpu only and i haven't crunched in 3 weeks , I moved to ODLK since that is what the historical and recorded application is/was for not ODLK1 because it did not exist ) and I run a 2gb GTX750ti and then for 20% of the 24hr cycle a 2gb 730gt actually I keep this video card paused so I can do meteorological things and radar display takes priority ) and then take the time to " look back @ my historical stats " and wait , did I say ignore DD@home but not crunch them for 4 weeks now? My mag was only 80 , DD@home actually used to have a GPU application and I am sure will again and SONM? SOMN? What ever Russian Boinc for Hire Federation thingy group that BOMBED... So now the SB side of the N x N / n = N predictable snapshots and why , so both these projects are updating their internal stats at different intervals this MAG for 1 project is dropping slow as a @snail and 1 is dropping at a high rate ie: Amicable Numbers... Now the other factor I have not mentioned , that days or that intervals team Gridcion users vs All users pie and your hardwares slice of it is based upon the completed WU in that period , that factor changes every hour as machines go on , off , get built new , meltdown so its fluid or spectre. I love that the new people are contributing to figuring out stating and statistic graphing and charting algorithms , we need them.. We as in me and you sir/ma'am are equal as any other its an open source project. I wish we would make a real time chart that monitors all the WL projects ( the Graylist when I get it worked in , ie: after g_uk screws up with his rush rush rush since he JUST got the idea and nobody has been working on the networking and scaling of a live project monitoring non-human whitelist system since they cant honor what projects votes are for and we waste our vote weight due to whales like since the needs of the one outweigh the needs of Community vs the current vote system and the GRC8 wants to create as many many votes to get their motives online. Anyways side rant , you got me @ 4:20 , so this is legit math... You are onto something , others have similar and ifoggs and barton26 along with others should all opensource and github these calculators but since they are static they still need the glue. The Gridcoin Grey ( since I am rounding 40 its E for my gotee hairs ) List as some projects are ran on and I am 100% serious and being honest and any Boinc project admins I encourage to drop specs both #1 hardware and #2 stat update intervals and I am happy to dig into the Boinc source code to help with N while I work on n ( GPU vs CPU ) project credit updates as if it was every minute it would take from other clock cycles needed elsewhere such as how ever and I have NOT looked into Boinc-Server or the docker Boinc images but they can be used in/on Linux ( proxmox rox sox ) and even with WSL and so you can yourself figure out variables going forward.