Trading my PayPal $ or € for your Ǥ (EUR/USD for GRC). Regular trade.

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

I trade small amounts of Euro (Sign: € | Ticker: EUR) for Gridcoin (Sign: Ǥ | Ticker: GRC ) on a semi-regular basis.

Usual amount: 5 - 10€ via PayPal


  1. I write a comment on this post if I am interested in trading at market price currently.
    We trade according to the EUR to GRC prices on CoinMarketCap.
    If I have enough sellers I do not want to stop you from undercutting each other -obviously ;) - so if you want to trade below market price you can comment directly with an offer.

  2. You sent the agreed upon amount of GRC to an address provided to you by me.
    !!! Attention this is the risky part where you could get scammed !!!
    You can not know that I will send you the money so you will have to trust me, or anyone else you might want to trade with. Please be careful. Cryptocurrencies tend to attract unsavory people by the bucket-load!
    Tread VERY carefully!
    I will however provide you with a link to a picture of me holding my ID, a link to a picture of my face and a link to a screenshot of the PayPal account in my name to make this step a little bit easier on you.

  3. You tell me which PayPal account / e-mail you want the money wired to.

  4. I wait for the coins and a couple of confirmations.

  5. I sent the money to you via the Gift option on PayPal.

  6. You confirm it's arrival on the comment you responded to.

  7. I add our trade to the table at the bottom of this post.

FAQs -and those likely to become ones:

  • Q: Why don't you go first?
    A: I would've if I couldn't find anyone interested in trading at the conditions I set. Apparently enough people are crazy / daring enough to take the risk, so I do not have to.
    Q: But it's PayPal you can get the money back if you don't get what we agreed upon!!!111!
    A: No. Via the gift /family and friends option on PayPal you cannot get money back in the 'convenient', usual PayPal way. You are supposed to know these people personally after all -hence 'family and friends'.
    Q: But you could still sue me? Couldn't you? You know my name and I live in a stable country with laws and stuff!
    A: Really? Hiring a lawyer for five bucks? This seems a little hard to justify, which is the reason scammers get away with shit like that. Trust me on that one: I do know from the painful experience of getting scammed myself.
    ̍Q: But we live in the same country. You could come to my house, could you not?
    A: Do I look like Bruce FUCKING Wayne to you?
    Q: But couldn't you send someone else?
    A: Raymond 'Red' Reddington, then? And no... I can't hire a hitman because the original silkroad has been shut down a very long time ago and I think the listings on there were a scam anyway...

  • Q: Why should I trust you?
    A: You SHOULD NOT trust me or anyone else with giving you money without any form of enforceable contract. This is the internet after all -scammers gonna scam! Plus when it comes to the relationship of cryptocurrencies and PayPal a rule applies that shall be known from today onwards as the risk-reward crypto-to-paypal-theorem:

Too risky. No-one will, nor should, sell crypto with Paypal. --@dutch

  • Q: But apparently someone did!?
    A: Yes. It's also a paradox.

  • Q: But you seem like a nice guy and it seems like a solid move to go into crypto as opposed to ruining your health. Should I still not trade?
    A: EVER. PERIOD. But if you really want to trade then comment below. Keep in mind: gambling rules should apply:

Do not play with anything ever you are not perfectly comfortable with losing.

  • Q: I traded GRC with you / someone else and I got the money. Am I now safe?
    A: If you traded with me then in all likelihood: yes. If you traded with someone else maybe.
    Theoretically one could set up a PayPal account with stolen credentials and a credit card that can't be charged and by the time the chargeback occurs one is gone with the Gridcoin winds.
    Also it could be the case that my bank account is not fully saturated and the transaction bounces like a check would. I actually did have stuff like that happen to me two or three times. As far as I can tell PayPal would just freeze my account and ask me kindly to charge the wallet up so it can let me continue my shopping spree -that it has to assume I am on. Still: If you notice stuff like this happen with our transactions please do not hesitate to contact me IMMEDIATLY.

  • Q: The risk is to high for me. Are you mad?
    A: No. That is completely reasonable. It's like with certain kinds of drugs. Just don't do it. You can also wait until you get a few testimonials in to be more certain and then take the risk -much like you may have with the drugs...

  • Q: I can't sell you anything but I still want to help you! How?
    A: Just follow my stuff here on and maybe upvote if you like something.
    Q: Do I look broke to you?
    A: No, of course not fine sir. Here have a Gridcoin tipjar: S8eTy1hwNjDBNsJad6d9YpdgjvNBsme2my

Trades so far:

Date ( recievedMoney sent
05.01.2018/u/at0mi on reddit90.00000000 GRCyesyes


Original post:

I think the title says it all. Looking to get a few new Gridcoin and since the new year has come now this might become somewhat of a more regular ask. It is always a small amount (approx. 5 to 10 Euro) -because I do lack funds and I want to keep the risk for both as small as humanly possible.

Someone (on Reddit -or as I should call it here on STEEMIT "The side that shall not be named" ? ;) ) brought up the risk that my PayPal account might be stolen. That is a legitimate concern in my view and I am willing to try to prove ownership to anyone interested- however I am not quite sure how I would do that without compromising my own security right now, so I welcome your suggestions... Maybe Skype and giving you a peak at my ID in my hands?

Will answer to anyone who's interested when I am awake again- I am in Germany so you can figure the time out it might take me to reply.

Would like to swap 15€ today, doesn't have to be with one person obviously.

Greetings to all,



The bigger concern with Paypal is chargebacks. For digital goods (like GRC) the payment can be reversed for SIX MONTHS from the day it was made, no questions asked. There are far too many risks associated with this.

Even if people are legit now, what is to stop someone from making a chargeback down the line if their wallet breaks? Or the GRC value plummets? Or if they are suddenly 'strapped for cash'?

Too risky. No-one will, nor should, sell crypto with Paypal.

Really? Because I got scammed and I could not get my money back. Maybe I wasn't insisting enough? Oh right, it was the Family and Friends thing. You can't get anything back easily if it wasn't a proper sale apparently.
Well anyways. Maybe someone likes to live more dangerous than I do nowadays?
I wouldn't have known that one.

So I suppose we can all now assume dutch to be our friendly guardian character who tries to stop you from making a big mistake. :D

Yeah - if you send the money as a 'gift' you cannot get Paypal to refund you.

However, even then there is a scamming trick I have seen used. You make a 'gift' transfer, so the seller feels confident, but the scammer does it from a credit card. You can then claim unauthorised access of the card to your bank, and the whole transaction is still reversed.

People trade Steam keys and Apple gift cards on the subreddit. Perhaps that's worth a shot?

Well anyways. Maybe someone likes to live more dangerous than I do nowadays?

Or you may run into one of these guys =P

Not trying to say that I don't trust you at all - just saying there are a lot of scammers preying on the crypto community.

Oh trust me I am aware. And the worst part about the last one -not crypto but online game currency- was that the witness was in on it so they just acted as if he had transfered the currency. There is just no winning against well set-up con artists.

I am ok with buying whatever gift card anyone could want btw. because I suppose I can do that in a shop here.

@dutch: So I found someone who can probably trade with me until I am old and gray. I decided to update the post to reflect that. I hope you don't mind me referencing you -I went a little nuts on that one :D

In USA there is Money Order you can send money for only a quarter $. (or it was that way few years ago when I used it). You don't need to go to the bank, you can typically do it in the stores like Smiths or Walmart. But it probably only works for USA?

In stores I don't think so actually. There might be dedicated companies supplying services like that. I've definitely never used one for sure.

I just checked, postal service money orders cost 1.20 and western union money orders cost between 99 cents and 1.50. You can send maximum 1,000USD. That's for USA. Yes, you can send from Smiths grocery store.

So if you are in USA, you could send someone 10$ for his/her GCR using money order. I'm not the one though, I only have 0.4 GCR at the moment ;-)

Nice. Sounds convenient. Maybe something to keep in mind should someone have the same need that I do. :)

For now I seem to be good because the guy I traded today with seems to want to do this regularly.