Ah now you've got me thinking.. Is there any way to offer achievements and badges directly to GRC users? The stats are all out there, so surely a framework could be built to track a user and offer badges / awards (even rewards for special achievements) for reaching certain milestones or performing certain tasks...

"Congratulations! You staked your first block!"
Just a thought! I'm sure someone else could add more depth to this idea, but I'm up for creating badges if it might provide some incentive to join and get more folks BOINCing :)
Imagine tying it into steam as well so that a Boinc/Gridcoin bundle could be installed to your steam library so that you can see how many hours the programs have run for on your PC, and directly ties back to steam achievements...
This would be a certain way to get more gamers to contribute processing power, although a streamlined Gridcoin/Boinc client would be required.
Awesome! Maybe to incorporate it in @sc-steemit 's gridcoinstats site, in the user detail page?