Thank you for the feedback - glad you like the new icon! Did you have a preference between the two styles in Dutch's post? (i.e. Two strand double helix vs single helix)
As for colour - it's certainly a generic colour choice, though colour is still very much open for debate at this point. I'm a big believer that a strong, versatile logo can work no matter the final colour choice, so often work in monochrome initially. There's a fetching blue version floating around too - though hopefully the varying styles above shows the versatility of the icon we're creating.
I personally liked the double helix! I think it is very simplistic and symmetrical. I totally agree getting the logo is the main mountain to climb the colour is one of those finishing touches but it can make all the difference. I mean McDonald's logo is a prime example of the statement a colour can make.
Purple could definitely work well and would stand out amidst the sea of blues, greens and golds in the Crypto market - thank you! I 100% agree on the power of colour choice, so all input is greatly appreciated.