The Fireside Chat 27 - Gridcoin, Science, and Incentive Based Economics

in #gridcoin6 years ago

Note: I know I said this last week, but I'm still back logged on editing. Hopefully the past two episodes and this week's will be up over the weekend. Apologies for the delay and happy Autumn (for us northern hemisphere...ers).


The Fireside Chat 27 - Gridcoin, Science, and Incentive Based Economics

Tonight! October 4th, at 8:00pm EST, Midnight UTC

Join us every Thursday at 8:00pm EST, Midnight UTC on the Gridcoin discord server for discussions on Gridcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and DELTA.

This Week (Tonight!)

This week we explore how Gridcoin, science, and incentive based economics interact. Should money and science partner up? How does gamification or incentive structure change the world of science? What roll does Gridcoin play in the two realms?

See you soon!

Gridcoin Discord

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What is Gridcoin?

Gridcoin is an open-source blockchain that mints and distributes cryptocurrency in relation to the processing power a network participant directs toward data-driven analysis and scientific discovery. Currently, the Gridcoin blockchain is secured through a proof-of-stake protocol and monitors processing contributions to the distributed computing infrastructure, BOINC. BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, hosts major institutional computing projects such as IBM’s World Community Grid, SETI, and data from the Large Hadron Collider, alongside projects developed by students, enthusiasts, mathematicians, researchers, and citizen scientists.

Want to Learn More?

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This post received a courtesy vote from @gridcoin-booster! Thank you for your contribution to the #gridcoin community!

Have you heard of Boid has a good app for incentivizing contributing to science. has a Gridcoin account and it’s users contribute to BOINC, and Gridcoin, through that account. Boid is making it so simple to contribute and is a great opportunity for increasing scientific contributions and earning boid tokens as incentive. Maybe Gridcoin and boid can team up for mass adoption! Check out my article: