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RE: UTXO Size vs Efficiency for upcoming Constant Block Rewards

in #gridcoin7 years ago

This guide helped to join small UTXOs together. But I have not understand how I would divide a “big” UTXO in various smaller UTXOs: “So if you have 1 large UTXO that is big enough to stake more than once every 16 hours, you can split it into smaller UTXOs which can allow you to stake slightly more often.”
I do this by transferring an amount smaller than “After Fee” (e.g. After Fee is 20000.00 so I will put in Amount [to send]: 100) this will split the UTXO to two UTXOs, one: 19900 and the other 100?
And if I will not fill “custom change address” with an existing address it will create a new address with 100?
Is this correct?


Simply send a smaller amount than is selected from the input back to yourself, with the change address set to the same as the receive address if desired. This will "split" the input into two pieces, the "send" part and the "change" part.