Official Gridcoin Discord Server
Please note that rewards from this post will not go into the faucet.
Due to the fact that the Gridcoin Discord Wallet Bot's Faucet is pretty well topped up as of writing of this post I have decided to postpone the Donation Post meant for this week to next week instead.
Remember that you can directly donate to the inbuilt faucet and rain feature through the following addresses:
Faucet: SFJdw5kVzWyKapsJWgKX3UeLxrHF6To347

Rain: S2x8z4ym7TyzHGK5S8nHkWRrbNekbJgpLd

Gridcoin is an open source Cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) which securely rewards volunteer computing performed upon the Boinc Platform in a decentralized manner on top of proof of stake.
BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is a distributed Internet platform and was launched beginning of 2002 and it rewards participants with credits for performed work. BOINC is an application available for multiple Operating Systems and uses the unused CPU and GPU cycles on computers to perform scientific work.
The footer used in my post comes from here.Cover Pic used in my post is used with permission from @delta1512