Gridcoin on SETI@home homepage

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

SETI@home is a distributed computing platform operating since 1999. With a little more than 100.000 active members, their purpose is to analyse radio signals in the search for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence. At the end of 2005, they started using BOINC to distribute work over the internet to participating computers which helped them reaching a broader community.

SETI@home is also one of the 26 whitelisted Gridcoin projects. Gridcoin rewards BOINC users in paying them for their computing efforts, which can help to offset a part of the costs like electricity bills. Team Gridcoin has 1,229 active members on this project and generates 2.8% of the total RAC output.

article about SETI@home accepting Gridcoin donations and today it is highlighted on their homepage in the news section. The article on the forum can be found hereYesterday @prescott wrote an

Below I have added a snapshot of the homepage with the news.

Now you can support SETI@home by donating your earned Gridcoins on the project!

Thanks for reading. Follow me for more BOINC & Gridcoin related articles.


This is big news! 500 billion total crypto-marketcap opens many doors :)

As a SETI@Home user for 16+ years , I'm very happy to see this update. Thanks for highlighting this.

Thank you, I hope this will stimulate more people to start crunching for SETI@home where they can help to advance science and at the same time financially support the project to further grow their activities.