Report #44 - December 30th, 2019

Welcome to another Gridcoin State of the Network! The SotN is usually published on the 3rd Monday of every month. For more information on the happenings within the Gridcoin network be sure to check out the other reports put together by the community!
@crypto-swiss’s monthly reports
@parejan’s weekly project updates
‼️ KRM & GRC Delisting Announcement ‼️
Due to low trading volumes, GRC can’t be traded anymore on Rudex since the 7th of December and GRC support has completely stopped on the 20th of December.
LBRY.Science December Curation Initiative - 3 USD Available per Curation and LBRY.Science Science Communication Initiative - 30 USD Available for Science-Based Blog
If you are passionate about science and a good writer, you can now propose your article or blog in the Gridcoin discord channel to receive curation rewards.
Universe@home requires consent for stats exports!
When you would like to receive Gridcoin rewards, you must update your account allowing the export of your account statistics.
Live Community Discussions
Even if they are not directly talking about Gridcoin, @jringo and @Delta1512 are currently hosting a new podcast where they discuss BOINC, BOINC developments, BOINC projects, the BOINC community & network, and SCIENCE!
There are already six episodes available and these are the last two :
- BOINC Radio #05 - OOBE, Optical Computing, and CISRO
- BOINC Radio #06 - Tasks Completed, Funding, A New Project
You can listen to them all on podbean, spotify, Apple Podcasts, or LBRY.

The Gridcoin Hangouts
The Gridcoin Hangout has three new episodes as well: #125, #126, and #127.
You can listen to them all on fkinglag's youtube channel.
Hot Discussion Threads
Gridcoin at 2020 BOINC workshop

Every month we bring you the most up to date statistics regarding the operation of the Gridcoin blockchain and Gridcoin BOINC projects. The information is gathered from Sunday to Saturday on a fortnightly basis and compiled from the getblockstats RPC command in the Gridcoin wallet, Gridcoin Oracle, BOINCStats, GRCPool, Gridcoin Stats, and from individual project websites.

Blockchain statistics from 1/November to 30/November
The table below contains the blockchain statistics and covers blocks 1,752,872 to 1,779,294 .Blockchain charts
The charts below contain the longer term blockchain trends.

Team and pool statistics from 1/November to 30/November
The table below contains BOINC team and pool statistics for the month of November.Team and pool charts
The team and pool charts contain the longer term team and pool trends.
This concludes the 44th Gridcoin State of the Network Report. We’ll see you in a month. Happy crunching!

I like that we're getting fewer and fewer empty blocks. A sign of more activity on the blockchain! :D
yeah definitely, also RAC seems to be making a reversal and increasing, I'd say that's from the mericans going into winter :P