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RE: I am close to 3 Billion BOINC credits! Celebrating with a 20k GRC giveaway - Claim your part of this $1600 reward!

in #gridcoin7 years ago

Congrats on accomplishment, I only wish I had the computer power you have on hand and thanks for making it rain on the projects.

As an aside

Would you like to buy some t shirts with your excessive pile of grid coin.

I am trying to create a market where people can buy and sell items using ONLY GRC.

Most of us just let it pile up and hope someone wants to pay more for it in the future, some dump it on an exchange for cash but what we really need to do is build a market for it. We need to buy and sell things in GRID COIN (GRC) ourselves.

So I am going to put my money where my mouth is and offer things in GRID COIN (GRC) ONLY.

I am starting simple and I am offering some Thai T shirts payable only in GRC but if it goes well then I can and add other items.

My goal is not to have this pile up in my account. I am hoping that other people will by a T shirt from me, pay in GRC and then you will offer something else online (I don’t care maybe a, Italian T shirt) so I can pay you in GRC. Eventually we could create an entire market payable only in GRID COIN (GRC)

Price for a T shirt is GRC 500 this price includes air mail shipping to anywhere in the world. If you want a shirt them send an email to me at : [email protected]

In the message put your; name, full mailing address (including post code) and what shirt you want. I will send you back a confirmation email with my GRID COIN wallet address and the shirt should ship a couple days after I receive payment.

Right now your options are :
2 Tone RED BULL (Thai) – WHITE with Blue Sleeves
2 Tone RED BULL (Thai) – GREY with Blue Sleeves
Solid Colour (WHITE, BLACK or NAVY BLUE) with the Thai Red Bull