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RE: Balancing The Energy Grid Using Science

in #gridcoin6 years ago (edited)

10 % of electric car would solve the storage problem. In Europe, cars are batteries on wheel, they are parked 95 % of the time.
Pumping water in and out of water reservoirs below wind turbines would also be a good slutions.
You can stake for the environment, too.


Im very pro-EV and very green energy, but I dont think EVs can solve the storage problem, they can load shift in a 24 hour period, but they cant absorb additional seasonal energy generation variations.
For example my solar array might produce less than 1 KWh in the winter, but in summer it produces 25 KWh each day, my home uses about 11KWh a day, so if we need a 100% green energy grid we have to decide how many solar arrays we need. As most energy is consumed in winter, we need 11x the winter output for my home, but in summer we than have 50x the energy needed into the grid. Its not quite as simple because we have wind and wave/hydro too, but ultimately to get through winter we will have to over-capacity the generation for the grid. That capacity includes the energy needed for EVs, so EVs cant solve it.
The only way this works is to have a highly variable, scalable load that we can use to absorb peaks of excess energy, and ideally have that energy used for something productive for humanity.