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RE: Gridcoin Joint Marketing Initiative 2018

in #gridcoin7 years ago

I found Gridcoin through Steemit when @cm-steem gave a project update in the Whaletank with @OfficialFuzzy. So, it's a shame to know that project accounts here (like Gridcoin, Smoke, etc) take so much heat and get so many downvote attacks from the bigger accounts here - like you guys are stealing users or something.

Steemit should be a very viable community-building resource if everyone would just learn to find the synergies right in front of us.

I personally HATE Google for advertising because of their business practices, shutting people down at will, censoring and refusing to pay, but I know it's still one of the most powerful venues to find eyeballs so often the best bet when getting started. I agree with @slapbox that a consistent promotional campaign with "staying power" is required. Just like email marketing, it may take the 2nd or 3rd hit to get the click-through.

Keep up the great work!