GridCoin (GRC) traded up 2.24% with dollar since yesterday period of time closing 01:45 on May 4th, after touching the maximum value in the last 5 days with a value for single Gridcoin for $ 0.0554 .
GridCoin has a total market cap of $21.09 million increasing its total value of $ 0.84 million in the last three days, also its value per single currency has increased significantly + $ 0.0039 .
(this is the link of my article : ).
I think that today's currency can once again surpass the maximum value reached last night, and maybe succeed in reaching the maximum value touched in the last month with $ 0.598 for single coins.
We know that the value of criptocoin could be very different compared to yesterday, our intent with this article is to report the numeric data with respective comparisons, from the closing of the last market.
- What do you think?
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- My last post : "Alexis Ohanian, co-founders of Reddit: "Ethereum will reach $ 15,000 by the end of the year" - My new post : "the success of Bitcoin Origin could change the cryptocoin and blockchain conception"
Interesting analysis. I don't know much about GRC, so I'll have to a little research on my own. Thanks for the post and thanks for upvoting my MLB DFS article. Not sure if your a baseball fan but I also wrote one on Ichiro Suzuki's change of role announced yesterday.
Great stuff. I followed and will be looking for more crypto articles!