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RE: Pet peeve at the grocery checkout....

in #grocery5 years ago

I have a pet peeve related to self checkout of produce as well. At the store I frequent, every time you click on the button to enter a produce code, first it pops up a message saying something along the lines of "Did you know that you can save time by scanning the bar code on your produce item?" and you have to click a button to get out of the pop up. Every time. Most of the produce items in the store do not have a bar code at all, and half the bar codes don't have a price associated with them. And in the mean time the store has introduced an entirely unnecessary screen that has to load and then be clicked out of before I can just enter the damn code LOL


"Did you know that you can save time by scanning the bar code on your produce item?" and you have to click a button to get out of the pop up. Every time.

Omg!!!! I've run into that too! Agree 100%!! I thought the same thing when it happened, like dang, get outa here with that screen.

I bet maybe they like jamming that down your throat, because they want to reduce people ringing stuff in wrong. But don't pretend it's about saving me time! Get a barcode on all the items, and I'll learn that I can scan them. lol

You're a man of my heart, Carl 😃😆

fun to see you stop by! hope you're doing well.

I actually forgot the worst part of my pet peeve LOL At this store, if you scan a barcode and it is not in the system it triggers an override needed that the self-checkout attendant has to come dismiss! I shit you not. If you follow their stupid instructions to scan the produce barcodes, you will have that happen multiple times LOL Maybe they just want me to be like a normal person and not buy a lot of different kinds of produce every time I shop :)