5 Most Important Grooming Tips for Guys that a Girl wants as her dream guy.

in #grooming6 years ago (edited)

Today I am gonna give you a no fluff guide on grooming tips for guys. If you are a practical guy that just wants the bare minimum to look good, you don't want any more any less. I am gonna give you the top 5 Most Important Grooming Tips for Guys that every one should look to look their best and to look attractive without putting any extra efforts.

5 Most Important Grooming Tips for Guys

1. Smell good

Clearly you have to be the guy that does at least a bare minimum of showering using the order in etc but i will recommend not to be just that guy, the guy that does the bare minimum. You are competing with the huge pull of guys out there. So you need to go a little bit above and beyond to stand down and get notice by that girl. So one of the most important tip is always wear a fragrance before you step out. I love doing this It's so easy to do it. It really doesn't require a lot of effort and it's one of the easiest compliments guys receive. Trust me if you smell good girls will tell you that and now they have already approached you, all you have to do is keep the conversation flowing to seal the deal.

2. Invest in Skin Care Products

Don't be that guy that it's too macho and to over powered , too insecure to actually invest in skincare products and use them. This is important for your grooming routine because not only it will keep you looking young but also she is gonna be super attracted to your smooth face. I can tell you with 100% certainty, no girl wants to touch a dry ashy face.

3. Keep your Hair Line and Beard Trimmed

I recommend you guys out there to have a trimmer in your bathroom. You don't even have to go the barber shop to keep up the fresh hair cut until your next visit. So things I like to do is groom my beard and my hair line at least once a week and again with the trimmer, you can do this in about 5 minutes. You wanna make sure you clear out your neck area of your hair line.

4. Use Right Hair Product

Make sure use use the right hair product for your hair type. Your hair is probably the most important aspect of your physical appearance because it's one of the first things people see in and you can't hide it. So many guys don't know what hair products to use with their hair type. So it ends up happening is you end up either with flat hair or hair that looks messy two hours in because the product didn't worked for you or didn't hold properly.

men with long hair

5. Replace your toothbrush every 3 month

Again we are taking about the bare minimum and 1 thing that can instantly kill how good you look is bad breath. While you already know you've been told since you were 5. You need to brush you teeth every you need a floss. This is the stuff you should be doing already. Replace those tooth brushes every three months and this is because these toothbrushes are wittered and soft which ends up basically just gliding over you teeth and reducing effectiveness. Now you are no longer removing the dirt, the food, or the plague, that's these on your teeth bacteria starts building up and you develop that bad smell.

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