“Don’t be afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still”
The semester is coming to an end and all my exams are almost over! I feel wonderful that the worst is behind me! It’s like I’m coming back to life 😄😂
So why do people study? Why do they struggle for so long, spend all this money for university, for books? Why we put up with all this stress? Only because we want to feel safe in the future, get a good job, climb on the career ladder, work for a company that probably doesn’t care about us and that can fire us any minute?
Is feeling safe even worth it?
I’m sure everyone has their own reasons for studying. I have mine too. But I think that the main reason, and not only for studying actually, should always be to grow, to develop ourselves and to follow our dreams and goals. Whatever your idea for life is, it’s yours, and don’t let anyone decide for you.