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RE: Growth-ideas : Power up Steemit Site Organic traffic 100%

in #growth-ideas8 years ago

Congratulations. You need not my validation if your numbers make you happy. I would say your own competition is your grammer or your translator. But if you are as rich as you say, then me and my humble goals are of no use to you. I have no goals of beating anyone in golf, I only wish to enjoy the experience. I have no goals of being a golf blogger, I appreciate the talented ones that already exist. I have no goals to just make money. I am more interested in what can be done with money, as opposed to just earning it. I am more interested in helping others achieve their goals. Perhaps You and I are similar in that respect. Perhaps you and I are on the same team. It sounds like you and I both appreciate helping others. It sounds like you have much to be thankful for. It sounds like you work hard, have sacrificed much, and currently seeing the rewards. What are your future goals? What do you want for your family? Always build on positives. YOU sound like you are an expert in your field and your field pays you well. I am an improv artist and and improv teacher. Yes, I know there is competition out there amongst other improv teachers. But I want to see them succeed, I am not a threat. I want us all to succeed. If you ever want to gain from the gifts of Improv, perhaps you and I can trade services. But I also know that improv is not for everyone. So no worries. For now, I am wishing you all the best with your continued inevitable success. Peace.


You already understand the concept. so do not answer. Because you already get the idea. Some answer for a different question. here is the answer
What are your future goals?
Answer: My Future goal is to help billion people without any interest or publicity. My help will get any individual, not just organization what bill gates doing. after creating a perfect proven income solution most probably by Forex. Before that, I was a great cricketer super slow bowl. But if anyone tries to do a big short they will Bowled or Out. Another time my aim was I will be visual effect artist to make Hollywood future film such as Transformers. I am IMDB Artist
Sample of my water research

What do you want for your family?
Answer: General life lead with satisfaction. What We have the capability.

Wonderful. Many blessings to you, your goals, and your family.
I hope to stay in touch and appreciate your journey.
May I suggest you take a look at this :

and let me know if you have any questions. Peace.

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