Our idea is building Non-English community group and supporting community and leading community to the right direction for their growth.
Our project is supporting the Non-English communities and promoting with marketing activities at the same time. We hope our activities will be a motive to other Non-English community. Also we anticipate more participation of Non-English speakers
We have been worked as a curator for this project.
@yoonjang0707 is Korea community curator and support community every day for past seven months
@baharoba is Turkey curator and she created Turkey community #tr also she support #tr community everyday for past seven months.
Those communities have been showing representative Non-English communities. While the Korea community was showing successful the Turkey community was showing fail
@yoonjang0707 created Non-English Community group for support each communities there are curator member of each communities (Korea, Turkey, China, Japan, Germany, Spanish group)
Problem & Solution
Non-English community users know that Steemit is a good and very useful service. However, they are in a very difficult environment to use the Steemit service. Most Steemit users are English-speaking countries or people who can speak English, but there are many of people who don’t know well English in non-English speaking countries.
On this account, most people are not interested in a good piece of writing in non-English communities.
Because of this problem, non-English community users often feel shrunk and they appeal that it is unfair compared to active communities. We have seen many discouraged people who are making decisions to leave Steemit in community after they use Steemit services a few times, because low hits of view, low rewards and no one is interested.
Unconditionally, the marketing and the support of community should happen at the same time.
For example Turkey community
She did presentation at the university about Steemit and share about Steemit to the university students
Turkey community got unstable support during 7 months but @baharoba did marketing for develop community.
And it was working.
Many Turkish users joined to Steemit and started post
But support for an unstable community has brought unfairness and disappointment on the users of non-English speaking community and eventually they have left the Steemit service.
Solution 1. Create community and support authors + Encourage Power Up 100% Post.
In observations of non-English speaking community so far, the majority of users have focused only on rewards. They did not try to know about the Steemit services and systems, and compensation for unconditional support was immediately sold to the market and it showed a vicious circle to decline in value.
Many non-English speaking community users don’t know what is Steem, Steempower, SBD
I think the Steem guild has done only endless support for users because of this situation. It’s like pouring water over thirsty soil,
Now we think it’s time to break out of the vicious circle.
If it is possible we will more support Power Up 100% post
Then many authors will take Steem-Power they will start think about what is Steem-Power
Firstly It will make understand Steemit service
Also when community member hold Steem-Power and understand Steemit service,
The community ready for developing
We’re believe that supporting Power Up 100% post will be virtuous circle
Solution 2. Steem-Power Delegating to community member not only for Curators.
The Steem guild is appeared as if a force using powerful powers that is seen in other communities and it have been worked as one of the major complaints in other communities. In addition to above, the centralization of operating in the Steem guild was also far too restrictive for doing the community support.
So, we should delegate Steem-Power to community authors too.
If we can delegate Steem-Power to community members they will start use Steemit service and while they earn some curation rewards also they will be enjoy to use Steemit.
So we are thinking it will be make them join the community unaffectedly
We learn that anyone can earn reward from the steemit video
However with low Steem-Power how they can earn rewards?
Delegating Steem-Power to community members will make them understand how to use Steemit.
Solution 3. Curators support authors and lead them to use the right services
We must inform users of detail contents about the STEEMIT service in order to ensure proper participation of the community. For non-English speaking communities, the STEEMIT service was also very difficult and abstruse to understand. I also took a long time to understand the STEEMIT service. As you know, the STEEMIT service is a good service, the community cannot grow consistently but if users do not understand it properly
So,curators must inform to community about how to use the Steemit service and news about Steemit develop and help new authors understand it.
Solution 4. Our team member promoting with marketing activities at the same time through online and offline to find new authors
[Today I made online news about steemit.
Thanks to Curie We Created Steemit Turkish Community “Tr” Tag.Already @yoonjang0707 started marketing, He made online news about steemit.
@baharoba created Turkey community and marketing in the university
We can continue marketing activities with Steemit.inc support
We are planning to share about Steemit to university also make online newspaper, SNS promotions (instagram, facebook, etc)
Prove our project
It is simple to prove whether our project was successful or not. The growth of the community will show you whether our typical project succeeds or fails. Since marketing activities are conducted online and offline, we will capture photos and materials to inform the community about our activities.
We have been focusing on working for the growth of a non-English speaking community, not an English-speaking community. Users of English-speaking community will not know well who we are, but some community users know that we have been watching the community every day for the past seven months and supporting much public relations campaign for the community.
We think this idea couldn’t have been possible without the efforts and observations of the community for the last seven months.
Thank you for reading this project.
Hi Yoonjang,
I'm very pleased that you made this post. Non-English communities are some of my big hopes, as I outlined in the marketing plan.
Take Turkey for example. There's 10s of millions of Turks using the internet everyday, and they have an order of magnitude less social media competition and influencers than the West does.
The same goes for many other countries. We are working on communities as fast as possible to give you this space.
Hi Mitchell Thank you for your replay :) I am very glad to hear you also want non-english communities are develop . Yes and Have many country like Turkey so We are hope this project will be succesful
Good post - the German community is also one where a bit more marketing could help, we all learn English but it is still different to speak and write in your own native language. Not sure how we would implement this yet - am still in vacation mobile mode only - but let me have a think for this - thanks @yoonjang0707 and Mitchell
Excellent post!! thank you for sharing
Hi @mars9 Thank you for your reply and support ^^
This is a great idea! Hopefully people who speak English and are learning other languages will also start to reach out more and upvote/comment on posts that aren't in English. The more we connect, the better it is for everyone.
We, from the spanish speaking front, will definitely support this project!
Hi! yoonjang0707 i am agree!
yoonjnag님 고맙습니다.
정말 좋은 프로젝트네요
작은 나비의 날개짓이 거대한 태풍을 불러올 것 같습니다 :)
이 아이디어가 꼭 이루어졌으면 좋겠어요~~
I honestly don't know how to get to this post but thank god I did. WE NEEDED THIS!
My name is Martin (tincho), I'm from Argentina and I feel totally identified with what you published. We need to organize to grow together.
I've been in Steemit for a little over a month and I really love this social network. By the people, the contents, the projects and by the groups that can be formed. In my short stay at steemit I created the SpanishChallenge to value and encourage Spanish-speaking writers. And many times it makes me sad to see excellent writings with earnings of $ 0.01. It has also happened to me, to publish a post to which I have dedicated 5 hours and receive very small profits. And then, I see a publication in English with a single photo that earns $ 15.
I also created Steemit Argentina on Facebook and Twitter to promote Steemit in our region. But as you explained, language is a great barrier.
Count on me for what you need. I'm also a curator in steemtrail and I can connect you with the guys who manage steemtrail so that you can generate curator projects and contests for your respective countries. Anything you need you can finf me as tincho in steemitchat.
Good luck guys! And whatever you need I'm at your disposal.