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RE: Feeling Young and Old

in #growth3 years ago

ONE MORE tip from an old mansy on the blockchain, to a newbie, if I can indulge?
I truly appreciate the Upvote! However, each action for you on the blockchain has some cost in RC( resource credits) Typically, new Hive folk have a very small amount and should save theirs for one post a day, maybe 4-6 comments (abt 3 sentences) a day, and a vote or two, tops. Hive RC takes about 5 days to regenerate, so, using too much all at once can leave unable to do some things. It's complicated, but for now, I m OK if you don't Upvote my comments or post. I understand what it takes for you to get started.

During SPACES, ask Shadows about RC and she will tell you about how she and I along with others were once members of a WELCOME WAGON, training new members in best practices on HIVE.