Thanks for the insights on your existence here.Hey @paulag you've hit the head on many nails with this post.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the insights on your existence here.Hey @paulag you've hit the head on many nails with this post.
Posted using Partiko Android
Well i hope the nail stands on the vote button, then the hit will be sucessful. Thanks for your support
Posted using Partiko Android
You're highly delegated into a variety of projects. I've seen this as a possibility for myself.
I simply have to be more studious when it comes to making longterm delegations.
Posted using Partiko Android
I do delegate out a lot, but not enough that my vote becomes dust. I can only reach so many people myself and I know getting delegation is such motivation. heheh I could always keep it and self vote all day, or lease it out to bidbots.....but its not my style