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RE: How I got to 11,176 Connections on LinkedIn (7,000+ the last month)

in #growthhacking8 years ago

If you can persuade 10% of them to use Steemit we could double the active users! Well, they could at least be made aware of it. I've not found much use for Linkedin yet, even when I was looking for a job. I hear some people use it for networking


Yes. That's part of the plan. I'll probably segment the blockchain/bitcoin connections and do something targeted. If we all build up contacts in the blockchain space we'll have hundreds of thousands to reach out to and if we get a conversion of 10% as you say... that would be incredible. We'll probably help create a more blockchain-specific publication that @andrarchy was discussing with us at @team.alpha.. Yes LinkedIn was not that great before, but slowly it's getting more useful. Good to work on your profile and then just reach out to people you're interested in whatever field it may be!