Thanks for the game.
Getting notice on here isn't easy. I run lots of games on Steemit and participation in each varies. You are already ahead of the game with having two entries. Allot of peoples post / games go completely unnoticed.
I am willing to give some help and advice if you want to keep going with your contest. I run a free crypto for task on steemit promotion where I offer free Dogecoin for those that visit specific posts. If you decide to keep going with your contest let me know and I will include a link to your next game in my promotion.
You also may want to rethink the tags you are using. Contest is a popular tag and the ones that hit the trending page in that tag are $100 + posts. So game post like yours and mine mostly go unnoticed in that section. I also noticed you only used 4 tags in your game post... use all 5. The more tags you use the more chances of getting your game noticed. Don't use tags no-one is visiting. There is a new tag called #upvoteplankton that you may want to consider using. I use it in some of my games and it seems to bring in a few extra upvotes and a participant or two. You could also upvote your own game post to give it a little kick start.
- Good luck with what-ever you decide to do.
I did a Crossword Puzzle Challenge (3 times) and it was rare to get more than a couple people to even expend the effort. I also had several people aske me what a "crossword puzzle" was how did it work? 🤨