For the winner in guessing the lucky number # Part: 07, Date 16.12.2018 to 25.12.2018
This is the number that comes out
The first winner:
1 steem multiplied by 10
Number 34
Runner up
1 steem multiplied by 8
Received 0.600 STEEM from ocian 0.600 steem for number 08
Transfer 4.800 STEEM to @ocian
The third champion
1 steem multiplied by 6
Number 24
Fourth place winner
1 steem multiplied by 4
Received 0.800 STEEM from pida 0.800 steem for number 35
Transfer 3.200 STEEM to pida
Fifth winner
1 steem multiplied by 3
Number 28
Sixth champion
1 steem multiplied by 2
Number 12
Prizes for all winners have been sent to their respective wallet accounts, thank you for your attention and trust.
By: @steem10
Honesty is the currency that applies wherever you are
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