Damn... I play guitar, but haven't practiced for 1 to 2 years until recently. I can't hold a candle to what you did here. VERY good. Impressive.
EDIT: I just bought a new guitar thanks to Steemit about 4 days ago.
Damn... I play guitar, but haven't practiced for 1 to 2 years until recently. I can't hold a candle to what you did here. VERY good. Impressive.
EDIT: I just bought a new guitar thanks to Steemit about 4 days ago.
Yep, i have bought 2 guitars thanks to steemit! hehe :D
I don't own a Bass yet, so perhaps I'll pick up one in the near future. :) I have quite a few acoustics, nothing fancy. I picked up an ESP MH350FM 4 days ago... it was actually less expensive than I was planning on spending but out of all of them I tried it was the best fit at the time.