Mix the scales
Tonality in where I'm doing these phrases is Em (E minor) and scales that I use are: scale of e minor, E minor pentatonic scale and the scale of my minor blues, similar scales between them but each one with a sound and particularity and can adapt easily to the tonal Center and the chord of Em(E menor) in question.
In the first pattern of phrases I use part of my minor blues scale in combination with the scale of E minor, leaving there, in the next sentence I use a lick (which already have talked about) on the pentatonic minor scale of E, and the last lick is composed by descending seconds on E minor blues scale.
I leave you here below the video
thanx and upvote
Muy buena ejecusion de la escala prntatonica menor
Sería buena que hicieras un tutorial de los modos. Primero lento y después a velocidad normal
¡Me gustó!