So you finally decided you want to learn how to play the guitar. You can care less about becoming the next musical legend; you just want to get to the fun part as fast as possible. You want to avoid learning all the theory and technical stuff, and only learn the absolutely necessary things to get rocking/jamming… You came to the right place.
HERE.This is @acousticbits and I’m here to guide you through this musical journey. Stick around and I promise you will be having fun rocking the guitar in no time. If you want to learn a bit more about myself , you can check my #introducemyself post right
Let’s get started!
First things first… if you wanna play guitar ,well… you need a guitar! So how do you go about choosing your first acoustic, and what should you be looking for? Should you just pick up anything at the store? The cheapest guitar around? I mean, you are just starting out… so any guitar will do… right? Well , the short answer is no .
In this first Acousticbits Series, I’ll cover the most important aspects of buying your first guitar if you are a complete beginner, and at the end I will give you my #1 pick for first time guitar buyers.
The #1 reason most beginner guitar players quit is because they bought the wrong guitar.
Here are some things to keep in mind when shopping for your first axe if you are a complete beginner:
1- Budget
2- Playability
3- Sound/Look
In this post we’ll discuss the third criteria… SOUND/LOOK:
(Budget and Playability have been discussed in previous posts)
This third criteria is not as important as the other two, but you can use it if you narrowed down your search to just a couple of guitars and you don’t know which one to choose.
“Looks” is pretty self-explanatory…just go with the one that looks the best to you. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder… so there is no right or wrong answer.
As far sound goes… as a complete beginner you won’t know what sounds good or bad yet. So just go with whatever you feel sounds best to you. Once again, no wrong answer here… as you continue learning and getting better, and trying out other guitars, you will develop an ear for what sounds best to you. If you have a guitar playing buddy, it would be a good idea to get a second opinion to make your decision a bit easier.
Once you become more proficient in guitar and make a decision to stick with it, this category will become more important in making a decision to buy a guitar. But for now, focus on the first two criteria.
So having said all that, which guitar would I recommend to the absolute complete beginner? If I could go back in time and choose my first guitar, which guitar would I buy?
In the next post I will give you my personal recommendation and go over each criteria discussed in the previous posts.
Stay tuned!