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RE: For the Clueless "March for Our Lives" Supporters: You Can't Prevent People from Committing Murder, But You Can Allow People to Protect Themselves

in #guncontrol7 years ago

So much rationality in this post I don't know what to do! Bravo for..... Sticking to your guns (pun intended). It's refreshing to see there's still reasonable and articulate people who share the same views / ideals as me. As a Canadian I can agree that we have virtually no right to self defence - you're expected to die trying to escape rather than violently engage a threat. I had a friend get jumped by 6 ppl about 8 years ago - they nearly killed him - he remembers nothing from right after the first punch - but apparently he kept fighting back - they chased him and proceeded to stomp his head in - he managed to pick up a brick from a interlocking walkway and hit 2 of them - knocking one out cold - the cops showed up and he was arrested with them and then ended up getting charged for assault with a deadly weapon. He was going to die and the courts didn't care. The other thing I notice about all these anti gun people is that they are the very same ones who harp about police using excessive force yet they want to make them the only people that have weapons. Kinda fucky if you ask me.


Wow, great comment to illustrate the point. That's what happens in Cowardada here. You are not allowed to defend yourself... it's pathetic and people don't have a clue or don't even care to perceive things as they are when given the opportunity...

Agreed completely - the world is turning on its head and ppl have no idea it's happeneing. Btw I had to read Cowardada 10x before I finally got it - then I laughed so hard my dog woke up. I've lost friends and business contacts because I refused to fall into line with current narratives - their loss - ive deleted Facebook and switched to steemit almost exclusively for this reason. myife is less full of bullshit now and I'm happier.