For the last week I have felt like crap. I'm to the point now of actually being sick. Why? I think now it's because America has reached a turning point. The evil that is embedded behind the scenes and doing war in the dark is now high-jacking the minds and hearts of America's youth. They are turning them into their puppets just as they done with the MSM, politics, the Church, our education system and Hollywood.
You are most likely wondering how I've come to this. The first clue was the way the MSM has been handling or you could even say promoting this last event. I won't even mention this kid's name they are putting up front for the spokesperson. I mean really I was in Navy and drive a truck for 45 plus years and have never heard such a mouth. I can't even understand why every other of these words are not bleeped.
The next clue was how fast the protest was put in place in DC. The permitting process alone takes months. Let alone the behind the scenes of an event like this has to be unreal the shear planning of the police dept and security is a nightmare. Then you have setting up stages and transportation just the amounts of cash to pay for this has to be crazy not even trying to guess the under the table cash it took.
My last revelation came last night after a long conversation with my oldest son. He is having a real hard time dealing with the thought of his oldest going off to college this fall. He agrees that he is going to have to start this summer with teaching her about the evils of being alone in a big city. Not going into how a proud grandpa could really gloat now about how smart and full of common sense she is, she's still a teenager and can understand my son's fears. In the middle of the night I was awaken with this question. What parents would allow sending their teenager to Washington DC a city with one the highest violent crime rates in America? After thinking of some of the most liberal parents I know I can't think of one that would allow their teenagers to go to even a smaller city like Columbia MO alone
Once again these are my opinions. What are yours?