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RE: Proof Anti-Gunners are PRO-GUN - PRO AR-15...But There's MORE!

in #guns7 years ago

Prior to the 1989 Fire Arms Protection Act that effectively banned Machine Guns, Government Agencies (ATF, FBI, And Justice Department) were maliciously prosecuting Federally Licensed Firearms dealers in an attempt to circumvent violating the second amendment but with the goal of preventing people from being able to buy guns. The malicious prosecutions didn’t be violate the Amendment but this law most certainly did. If we repeal the law based on an unconstitutional infringement claim, citing the 2008 and 2010 Supreme Court Opinions which upheld the Ownership of any Gun as an individual’s “Right”, then we risk going back to a system of malicious prosecution of dealers nationwide, closing down the stores and small manufacturers have no customers.

If we add semiautomatic weapons to the list of highly controlled Automatic weapons we risk the law being challenged as unconstitutional and ending up where we started anyway.

We’re damned if we do an damned if we do the other thing. The only solution is to maintain the status quo.