Today we got to go to the range. I had been looking forward to this for a while now. I took a handful of my favorite pieces with me, since this place gives you unlimited access.
From left to right you got my colt m4, mosberg 500 Shockwave and a spikes tactical pistol. I hadn't taken out the colt before so it was my main focus. It shot fanatic even with the sixty round drum.
Also hit the pistol range since that's what @kellyrenee prefers. Above you can see my bersa 380, Taurus 9mm, witness 9mm and in @kellyrenee's hand is my saw 357. Funny thing is that's not even all thy find I had with me 🤣
All in all it was a very fun day at the range. I got to shoot a little of everything. Most importantly I got in some much needed practice!
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
did you practice tactical throwing the Taurus at the target when it fails to fire?
I've never had it fail on me. Although with Taurus's reputation it wouldn't be my first choice in any situation. I got it for basically free in a trade so I think I'll keep shooting it.
The price was right! Probably fine on the range.