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RE: Ruger 22/45 Silenced

in #guns6 years ago

It would be ideal but no need for a law on that, I think most responsible gun owners want to go to shoot clubs in the first place and do so often. Always good to be trained in use and safety of firearms if you own one. Unfortunately the real problem is a lack of common sense in America. Thomas Paine would be turning in his grave. LOL


The problem with common sense is that one forgets that humans are often very emotional and irrational. With maximum freedom there should be maximum responsibility. When the government is limited and small we can easily organize ourselves. However, far away from all people are responsible when they have freedom. This does not mean that there is a need for more government but means that responsibility has to be trained and implemented as by individuals having mandatory gun training and similar.

I agree with you. I also think everyone must be responsible for their own actions no matter if it's an irrational or emotional act and accept consequences of said actions. Im quite Libertarian and believe personal responsibility is very important with freedom and liberty. It would be best for an individual to be a responsible person all the time! I see a serious lack of common sense education in the general public and that has to change and people with emotional problems need support and probably shouldn't have guns.

Posted using Partiko Android

Golden Rule 100% as well. ;-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Understand your points and I agree with you.