The Slippery Slope of Open Carry

in #guns8 years ago (edited)

Let me be clear, Your Guns Will Be Taken From You When You Need Them The Most.

Parading around the Wal-Mart parking lot, proclaiming your Constitutional Rights, and making sure you get everyone's attention with your patriotism is a sure fire way to get them taken away, or you labeled as a home grown terrorist. (If you aren't already on some watch list) There are better ways to keep your guns. By Voting and/or Running against those who wish to take them away.

I like guns, I think they are a fun recreational hobby. I also subscribe to the notion that they make good self defense tools. I also believe that "An Armed Society, Is A Polite Society." <--- However, I do wish deep down that it never had to get that far, but alas, here we are.

Anyway, the truth is, we are at war... we just don't know it yet. Our so-called leaders want you unarmed, weak and susceptible in the future. While I can't claim to know the how, and why... I can point you to some very interesting facts surround the hypocrisy of gun control and who's behind it.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Congressman Emanuel Celler’s House Bill H.R.17735.
Senate Bill S.1523 was sponsored by Senator Howard Metzenbaum in 1988 (allowing a gun owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.)
• He also sponsored S.2180 which tried to ban all Toy Guns.
• Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990
• Congressman Charles Schumer sponsored the Brady Bill in 1994
Anyway, I could go on and on and list every one out, but that's all public record. But I will point out the one glaringly similar data point that shares all gun control legislation since 1968 to the present. (But there could be way more)
See if you can figure it out:
Who are they getting their marching orders from? Why are they so hell bent on neutering the American people? Progressive ideals are actually Regressive, and harmful to a functioning society as a whole. Sure, it feels good to say as a sound bite, or looks good on paper. I mean, who actually wants to support innocent kids getting shot? No one, I suspect, who's sane. But that's the common line used, "Protect Our Children" to tug on our heartstrings. But those people up there, know better... they know the real reason why we should be unarmed. A tide is coming. And it will be all out genocide and civil war on our soil. Mark my words.

Ask yourself, what happens when a million immigrants finally figure out the Second Amendment and the Open Carry Laws?

You wanna know the real hypocrisy surrounding Gun Control? All these images below are from Israel.
Yet every single proponent of anti-gun legislation is Jewish. Why is that? No, seriously... I'm asking. I'm not making a racial statement. (Even though Jew isn't a race, it's more like a club... which is why anybody can become Jew-"ish" ... but whatever)

If you truly value your Right to Bear Arms... take action, and VOTE OUT the representatives who oppose guns. Hell, if you aren't a criminal, and a half-way decent human being, you could run against them on the sole platform of promising to never vote against gun rights. And you'd probably win. We need to shake the tree of democracy, for the withering branches of deceit and duplicity are slowly and methodically killing the tree.

You could specifically tell these Senators and Congressmen, that until "The Nation of Israel" (they like that phrase) strips the gun rights of it's citizens, I will keep mine. Put them on the spot... force them to try and make the distinction between our two countries. Make them say out loud that American's aren't fighting against Islam, Muslims and Radical Terrorists that wish to do us harm. Make them admit that lie on record!

But the thing we don't need in 'Murica, is easy access to firearms. Jim-Bob and his brother Cletus should not be able to just walk into Wally World and buy any ol' firearm, if they just wait a few weeks. They haven't been properly vetted. I don't know if they are idiots, fascists, violent offenders or patriots. (Although some could argue, is there a difference? ;-) I think the waiting period is bogus anyway. And what's with that Gun Show Loop Hole?

I want us to have guns. They can be a deterrent to crime, they can be a fun recreational hobby. The gun manufacturing industry is actually one of the few stable employment opportunities left in this country. But here's where I differ on "Gun Control"... I would like to see a FREE 4 week(end) course MANDATORY for anyone who wishes to continue to own, purchase in the future, or open carry. This has to be a comprehensive course on safety, usage, laws, privileges, practice, theory, cleaning and maintenance. Including written and oral tests, range time and a psyche evaluation. All the while, their background check is being run until the completion of the class. That way, even if they can't end up legally owning, they still had to have the knowledge, skills and safety training. (Because we already know they are probably going to get a gun illegally anyway) Prosecution Laws could vary here, depending on whether a crime was committed with a firearm, and the defendant did or did not complete the course would change the outcome of his sentencing dramatically. But anyway, if you pass this course, buy all the guns you want! YEE-HAW!

Moving forward, the general public's awareness of such an intense course will help alleviate the fear associated with random strangers wandering around with guns. They are now the good guys, and not unknown threats.

A guaranteed subsidized grant could cover the majority of the costs. (Because 2nd Amendment) But the classes would be run by volunteers for the most part, presumably current gun owners and law enforcement and/or ex-military who want to keep their guns and remain in good standing. There are plenty of enthusiastic and patriotic men and women who want people to be safe, and learn as much as they can and preserve our 2nd Amendment Right. They also want to defend our nation against oppression, criminal element and potentially a ground level threat that is ever increasing.

There is nothing wrong with being patriotic, but I feel that beacuse it's been 151 years since our last major battle on our soil, that the general populous have become soft and complacent. They fear sharp pointy things, and anything that makes loud sounds. The concede their will to whomever grants them the most cash and prizes, and then that insidious beast becomes their new master.

Things are changing... don't be on the wrong side of history. Live Free or Just Die Already... Geez!


up voted because i like this post and I like guns. @ecomouse , a suggestion that will help you gain votes ($) is a verification post and an #introduceyourself post,
these go a long way.
full $teem ahead!

4 week MANDATORY training + background check + psyche eval= freedom? I'm failing to see the logic in the equation. BTW, "Shall not be infringed". Otherwise, I enjoyed reading your post. ☺

No, that's just responsibility training. Kinda like Driver's Ed + Road Test + DMV = License (for life... but that's another topic for another day)

Think about it... we are granting 16 year olds the ability to operate machinery that has the potential to kill and maim innocent people. Including the other occupants, as well as the driver. The process is so cavalier and so laissez-faire that it's just considered a right of passage into adulthood. But for owning a handgun, (which let's be honest, doesn't have as many reasons for existence other than to kill) and you only have to fill out a simple form and hand over your money to a retail clerk.

We have an opportunity to set the bar higher. You want the privilege of gun ownership, you need to prove it first. Once you've been deemed A-OK then, by all means... have a hand gun or 12.

We are on the cusp of losing this right/privilege forever. You know it, and our lawmakers are chomping at the bit to sign that piece of legislation. Perhaps it will come someday in the form of an Executive Order. Then what are you gonna do?