Just a few nights ago, I received a message from one of my friends. He was trying to sell me some of his guns… or at least I thought so. I had just done some upgrades on my car for a pretty penny and could not really justify spending that much on guns.
About three days later I messaged him back asking him if he still had that sweet AR15. I told him I had repented and was happy to go into the Bitcoin savings for that wonderful piece only to realize he had sold everything he told me was up for sale except the ammo. I cried for a few moments and then took a long, deep breath and messaged him back with desires to buy the ammo as I kicked myself in the ass for missing a chance to buy a good piece.
Quite honestly, I thought he was struggling financially and wanted to sell some of his guns to make a couple of thousands but I was not sure. I told him I was very glad he was a gun guy and into Yoga and all that “awareness” stuff because it is rather difficult to find people who were able to live in both worlds, Shamans with Guns, as I call them. He retorted, to my surprise, that he was actually selling all his guns because he could not see himself using them anymore… he could not even fathom being around them at all. He said he had moved on to a frequency where guns were not desirable any longer. I gasped! I asked him: “But what if you and your girlfriend get in a situation where your life could be in danger, wouldn’t you defend Mary?!! He said he could not do it… “I don’t see myself shooting anyone” he said. I could not believe my eyeballs; my messenger was surely playing tricks on me. How could someone be so irresponsible to not even care to defend their own girlfriend?! Quickly I reminded him that even Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama said: “But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, he said, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.” Jake told me he had read about it but he still didn’t feel like it was him at all anymore.
I felt defeated and dumbfounded but I let it go. I then talked to my wife about it and she reminded me of a wonderful fact about life. She said to me: “nowadays it is easier to make money than trying to steal it and therefore some people forego of their weapons,” And she is totally right. We have to really check our privilege! Living in a highly technological world means getting a job and making a living is much easier than taking our neighbors’ wealth.
The pie is not a fixed one but we can literally create wealth thanks to the infrastructure and networks created by the free market. If we feel like we really do not need guns is because we have made this world a safer place thanks to the continuous expansion of freedom even against the bureaucratic hands that keep making legislations to keep us down; in short, we are wealthier in spite of government, not because of it. And in turn, people feel safer and without the need to have an extra couple of pounds with them. Which is something that people in other countries may not have at this point.
However, I know my role in this society with my friends, and we are here to push back against the soon-to-be-death state trying to control our interactions, and to remind people that we are living in the most prosperous and peaceful times in human history thanks to the free market, and also the time with most trees… so, check your privilege, kids. You are living in wonderful times and not everyone has the luxury of feeling safe as they leave their homes.
Also posted on my website:
Image: @gardenofeden
Even without guns, he benefits from the ambiguity of living in a place which allows personal firearm possession. Like vaccinations offering herd immunity.
Here in Australia, anyone looking at your house knows you don't have a gun handy.
Ah you equate this to vaccines? I am not sure it works the same way, but I see the point you are trying to make. I am happy to have neighbors who know how to use firearms, and unafraid of using them myself. We are all safer that way.
Here too and guess what? In both our countries less house owners get killed by burglar's guns.
If they're killing you, don't they get upgraded from burglar to murderer?
No, murder is when you intentionally and planned killed someone. If it was "by surprise" when doing something else it is what we Germans call (quite stone-agey) Totschlag - manslaughter?
Not big law followers though.
I have never owned a gun even though I grew up in a home with an arsenal. I have always relied on my skills in hand to hand but I do admit that a shotgun would be nice to have in the house.
The peace and prosperity often described by so many as privilege, are privilege only in that you perhaps did not earn them. It does not mean they were not earned. Only that they were earned by others. Most likely by hard men, unafraid, and callused enough to do what the weak would rather not. These often scorned individuals earned those privileges for the pampered many. Freedom, and free markets may be enjoyed freely, but they were won at great cost.
I agree.
I will never agree my rights will be abandoned on this issue.
That said, I have not found it a subject I need to expound upon.
Maybe I have been short sighted...
I do not keep my arsenal at home, I don't carry; but I will never be without a weapon to defend myself.