I went to Washington D.C. specifically to inject a little logic into the conversation. Here's what happened. Stay tuned....more to come.
I went to Washington D.C. specifically to inject a little logic into the conversation. Here's what happened. Stay tuned....more to come.
I really appreciate you doing this and being a respectful voice for common sense.
God bless you for going down there. up voted. The silence coming from our side is deafening. When is our March for Our Lives?
Is this the progressive strategy for midterm 2018?
I will have to watch more when my blood pressure goes back down.
@HighImpactFlix... Very impressed with Your video interviews AND that You spent the time & money to go to Washington DC to record this event.
Hopefully You "opened the eyes" of some of the protesters...
Also, totally agree with all Your talking points presented in this YT video.
Great Job... wish I had more voting SP to give You more money.
Cheers !!
I'm gunna just leave this Right Here. tee hee hee

Thanks for bringing some common sense to this discussion.
Excellent interviews, @highimpactflix.
I believe you did get some of those you spoke to here thinking. I've resteemed and will link to this post in the third part of a mini-series showing still picture screen grabs of mainstream coverage I started yesterday. Your interviews are both interesting and educational.
Looking forward to the rest of them.
Decades of fluoridation and social engineering are now paying off. The mob is not only ready to "Love their Servitude", they are also demanding from their leaders that their rights should be taken away. The level of stupidity is scary. But fact. Propaganda always works.
All is distraction now. The US Deep State and its media apparatus need the American people distracted from their war in Syria where they have supported ISIS and other terrorists. Thus, their 9/11 narrative is in jeopardy if the public fully wakes up to that fact. Therefore, false flags and distractions are necessary to cover things up and buy time. The Parkland kids are actors as proven by a movie they all made together in June 2017. A movie clip featuring over 5 of the media rolled out teens features a character that also looks, strangely like Nikolas Cruz.
More info here: (Now Playing on Dtube) Inverted Reality - Media Rolled-Out Main Child Actors From Parkland School Shooting Event Made Foreboding Movie Trailer In June 2017
OH OH this video had a problem towards the end ⁉️🤪 Got you nervous 😬 GOV. Of course they are guns of war ❗️They are there to protect us from a tyranical government ‼️MOVE TO CHINA 🇨🇳 you fuking traitors❗️Your just a buch of retards and I’m not affraid to say so ❗️We have a goverment that has MURDERED our people right in front of us on 9/11❗️Try to get that ❗️On top of all the L I E S . Like going to the moon in a tin can past deadly radiation , and let me tell you folks I am emailing TYSON , and that Bill science guy and posting their responses . Because actual scientist were threatened and murdered that were willing to tell the truth . There are only two genders and those who say otherwise are mentally unstable , and they shouldn’t have guns . I mean these retards wear a PUSSY HAT⁉️ REALLY ⁉️ If I wore a DILDO on my head how serious would you take me ⁉️🤨 Grow up Americans , your so FULL of SHIT❗️