Yes, I have heard about some of the very strict laws that Singapore has. I currently live in South Korea and I have a few Singaporean friends, they say its a great country, but there are many problems with freedom of speech etc.
I guess it does come down to what you feel is freedom. My thinking is along the lines of your thinking, I am glad I can go outside at night time and not have to worry about being held at gun point.
Currently living in South Korea, Westerners feel like it is one of the most dangerous places to be on earth, but I totally disagree. This country is one of the safest I've ever been in. Even thought the possibility of war with North Korea looms daily, regular citizens don't go around with weapons in fear of other people or their government impeding their rights. It's not an easy situation for sure, because America's history is so entrenched with guns
I been to Seoul a couple of years ago and it was super chill. I liked it.
I mean westerners who don't have first hand experience of living in South Korea, just listening to what they hear on the news