We cannot prevent things like the rain, we can however prevent mass shootings. I refuse to believe otherwise. If we couldnt prevent them then mass shootings would be a worldwide epidemic and not just a mostly american problem.
If the the most lethal weapon on the market is a hunting rifle or a pistol, that is a large step towards preventing a mass shooting
Maybe it is just the American culture that has become this way
Does this happen in developed nations?
How do you explain the case of Australia after it's mass shooting in 1996 and subsequent ban on long guns? There has not been a single mass shooting since. That sounds to me like the Australian government took preventative measures.
Because supposedly America is a developed nation. You are talking about anarchy and things out of fictional tales.
Right, Australia still has problems, but what they don't have is a gun problem and that is the issue at hand in this discussion.
Do you really think that arming everyone to the teeth would create a peaceful and working society? DO you think you'd feel safe walking around at night knowing everyone is packing weapons in their pants. Do you think that countries where citizens don't own weapons are living in a police state?