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RE: A Discussion About Guns

in #guns7 years ago

Ahh I see what you mean. I think we need to establish more than a 2 party system going forward as it shouldnt just be one or the other. This may have had success in the past, but in the 21st century this division is pushing people further apart on almost every political issue, with neither side wanting to compromise. If there were a 3rd or 4th party that took ideals from both parties I think that could be a starting point. Do you think something more than the 2 party system will ever see the light of day?


I would like to see that, ideally along with ranked choice voting. But it's been a long time since a third party has been been successful at a national level. And that was the Republicans supplanting the Whigs. George Wallace picked up five states, the Bull Moose Party was really just Teddy, a few Socialists in Congress way back when, but that's about it.

I suppose that a Greater Depression might yield a new strong party of the extreme Left or Right, but what we could really use would be a centrist party. I am having a hard time seeing that happen any time soon though.