Jimmy Kimmel really doesnt know what he is talking about nor does he seem to truly care in a way that he should. He has armed security detail and increased it recently, He doesnt know the difference between semi auto and fully auto guns as this guy had a bump stock with a semi auto and anyways you cant stop evil from truly attacking when you have Europe wanting to rid of guns then knife attacks go up it wouldnt be wise to get rid of guns though what we should do is give out better knowledge on guns and teach people actual facts about them.
I think education about weapons is very important, more knowledge is definitely better for the general public. I don't know about Jimmy's personal life, but as a celebrity with this opinion on guns he has made himself a target and I can therefor understand his increased security detail. But he was not lying about the senators who voted against closing the loopholes on background checks. I thin the NRA and big gun money plans a huge factor in what laws get passed as well