As a Canadian I know that we have stricter Gun Laws and there seems to be less gun violence but as we see lately there are many modes of destruction and the automobile is becoming the weapon of choice. Anything can become "weaponized" so we need to get to the Root cause of this violence. What could possibly inspire a human being to cause such destruction. Why are people doing this ? Obviously they have no respect for human Life or any life or anything and there must be something done in Society to teach people that this One and Only Life is precious. Whether you are Religious or Atheist you must come to realize that this Life is a gift (from God or the Universe) to be respected. Less guns may prevent some deaths but if Humans have no respect for Human Life then this problem will only grow worse.
Yeah, What happened out West was terrible and you are right that if people want to cause harm to others they will definitely find a means of doing it. I think social ties and a sense of community goes a long way to preventing these occurrences. When someone feels isolated and alone with nothing left to lose, then it is much easier for them to commit these heinous acts. That being said a gun is designed to destroy/kill/inflict damage, that is its purpose whereas a car is a method of transportation. People using spoon or car analogies and comparing them to guns are missing the point of what a gun is and was made for doing.
Don't get me wrong. Guns are designed to kill quickly and machine guns are designed to kill many people very quicky. My point is that the mind set that allows one human being to kill another human is the problem here.
Yeah we can definitely agree on that. I just think that if we make it more difficult for people with these intention to get their hands on these weapons, the public's overall well being will go up