Your right is dependent upon two things: Pragmatism and Defense. If no one can protect your right because it isn't pragmatic, then calling it a right is just hot air. The gun in your hand isn't enough to defend your right to have it. Keep threatening that we'll have to fight you for them. There are better weapons than other guns to take them away.
You should focus on a compromise. We need a solution to the problems people are pointing out that comes from guns, such as how you prevent a 19 year old drop out who brags about his guns and makes it clear that he would be the most likely candidate to shoot up a high school from shooting up a high school.
Fuck Dawkins mocking you. INNOCENT PEOPLE FUCKING DIED. Help to fix it or STFU.
That innocent people died does not give you the right to take away his means of does not follow. Especially if you take away his means of defense by going to his house with a weapons to take his weapons.