Photo by Frank Tellez
The cake is a lie and so are the kids. The kids aren't going to save us. We are. All my life I've been hearing about the younger generation and how they're going to save the world. Well, guess what. Today is the 19th anniversary of the Columbine school shooting. 19 years without a single thing being done. Think about that. That means the 18-year-old kids that were going to save us are now 37 years old and they can vote.
The 18-year-old kids that were going to save us are now 37 years old.
So why don't they save us? For the same reasons we don't save us, because we're old and lazy. Because we're too lazy to go out and vote against Republicans. In my home state of Arizona, the teachers are striking for more education funding. It's come to that. School budgets have been cut so much in the last 40 years that they are dying out. The teachers can't take it. Where are the kids that were going to save us?
Saying the next generation is the future is an excuse. It's another way of saying, "let's put off for tomorrow what we should be doing today." We've been saying that forever.
For-ev-er. Forever. Let's not do that anymore. The next generation is 37 years old now. Let's vote. Let's go out and freakin' vote against the Republicans. What the heck is it going to take to get people voting, and boycotting, and not turning a blind eye to the world because they're lazy? How long are you going to pretend you're a victim because it's easy?
Seems to really be a tipping point lately. A lot of people are angry and becoming involved with politics rather than just having politics be something that just sort of happens and doesn't affect them. Here's hoping for more informed and engaged voters in the midterms.